Monday, December 30, 2019

Chinese Presence Chinese Culture Abroad As Well As Those...

This section aims to explore the views of current presence Chinese culture abroad as well as those visual form examples how to successful operation and get a good response from overseas. 2. 2.1 Overseas Chinatown There are varieties methods in order to represent culture such as symbols, language, artifacts, style, behaviors are all embedded in cultural identity as is food, music, fashion and art. Chinatown is defined as a district of a large non-Chinese town or port in which the population is predominantly of Chinese origin (oxforddictionaries, 2014). As a concentrated expression of the Chinese culture in the district is the cognitive overseasï ¼Å' China Town could be an good example be analyzed. Chinatown in London â€Å"In popular†¦show more content†¦Tailors and cutting machine not shut until around 1974 in the region has more than 80 restaurants, supermarkets, bakeries, souvenir shops, and other Chinese-run businesses, show some of London s most outstanding and most authentic Asian food (â€Å"Giles Goren review Empress of Sichuan† ï ¼Å' 2010). In addition, the Charing Cross Library with the Westminster Chinese Library is operated in the City of Westminsterï ¼Ë†Charing Cross Libraryï ¼Å'2009; Westminster Chinese Library, 2012ï ¼â€°. â€Å"The content of the destination is seen on the one hand as an agglomeration of attractions and services, and on the other as a dynamic agglomeration of attractions, culture, events, landscapes and services.† Wolfgang Framke The key subject here is China Town London. In London the visual communication could be directly reflected in its China Town, it could mostly contain abundant varieties of Chinese shops. The present Chinatown occupies the area in and around Gerrard Street, which is part of the City of Westminster. There is also a prejudice and hostility description of London Chinatown mostly from the writings by Thomas Burke and Arthur Henry Ward. They exaggerate described the true image of London Chinatown, saying it is the shadow of gambling, opium dens and â€Å"unholy things†. In fact, the life of the Chinese people is hard work in order to find the channel pier return voyage to the Far East (portcities,

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Is Writing Always Difficult - 994 Words

Is writing always difficult? How I should know, right now I can barely tell the difference between a comma splice and a run on sentence. Strengths, weaknesses, and source of help: These are all of the ways I plan on becoming a better writer. As it may seem I am not a writer of all weaknesses. I do have some strengths. My strengths as a writer a few, but I try my best with what I have. What went well in my reflection paper? I did a good job on my paper length and MLA formatting. I was able to set up a clear introduction to the paper and my conclusion was somewhat exquisite. My MLA formatting was Good I was able to give page numbers and a correct title, also a name, date, and instructor setup. My introduction was clear and I was able to state the purpose clearly. I kept the introduction to Less than 100 words. I stated a hook and transition sentence that where kind of captivating in a way but not in a sense that it was mind boggling. My thesis was clear and defined I was able to get the point of the paper across with one sentence. As for my conclusion was not quite the perfection but it did get the job done. For the conclusion of a reflection paper I was not quite sure how to wrap the paper up. I figured that since the paper was all about the past I should end it with some present knowledge. By stating how the situation was today I feel it would give the reader a sense of what simple factor could change a life. These strengths that I have, have the ability to beShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Writing In English1117 Words   |  5 Pageseveryone in my familys second language and because we did not grow up learning how to speak, read, and write in English which made it difficult for me when school started. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Behaviors Related to the Use of Urban Facilities at Le Van Tam Park Free Essays

Contentss Introduction: 1.Research inquiry 2.Hypothesis: 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Behaviors Related to the Use of Urban Facilities at Le Van Tam Park or any similar topic only for you Order Now Purpose: 4.Methodology: Literature reappraisal: Consequence: Discussion Outline: Behaviors related to the usage of urban installations at Le Van Tam park ( strength countries ) Introduction: Harmonizing WHO, physical inaction is a chief subscriber to decease and disablement from lifestyle-living diseases such as bosom disease, diabetes, high blood force per unit area worldwide. Promoting the degree of physical activities is one of the precedence undertakings. Making the built environment or installations in the park to promote the physical activity degree is more necessary in Ho qi minh metropolis due to there has been increasing in sedentary occupation and dependance on minibike. Recent surveies documented that the recreational installations give important parts to the physical activities degree by grownups [ 1 ] . Harmonizing to McKenzie [ 2 ] , community Parkss have possible scenes to advance the physical activities of people, irrespective to age, gender. Despite some type of Parks has been built to promote the physical activities degree near the abode in Ho qi minh metropolis such as Le Van Tam park, Gia Dinh park, †¦ However, no research on how features of thes e topographic points can impact PA degrees Vietnam in general, Ho Chi Minh in peculiar. Therefore, the intent of this survey to understand the relationship between built environments and physical activities degree. 1.Research inquiry Raise inquiries: + How are people able to entree the park in general, the strength country in peculiar? +Who are the users of strength country? + Do people socialise when they exercise? + How often are strength country used + What affect has built environments the usage of urban installations? + How does it impact the frequency of usage? , the effectual of usage, the satisfactory of the usage Aims:to understand effects the reinforced environments on the usage of urban installations: instance survey in Le Van Tam park. Specific aim: + to determine the consequence of reinforced environments on the usage of urban facilitie + to find the ways in which reinforced environments affect the physical activities Hypothesis: the improving of the reinforced environment, or diversion installations can better physical activities. Purpose: The intent of this survey to understand the relationship between built environments and physical activities degree. From this, whether this signifier of park can use more Parkss in Ho qi minh metropolis. 4.Methodology: The methodological analysis provides an apprehension of how the research was carried out and organized in order to obtain information that could be utile for understanding the relationship †¦.in Le Van Tam park. The methodogy is based in interview with strength country, questionnaire, and obsevations. The undermentioned portion will supply the chracteristics of the research carried out, explicate the study methods used to obtain information from users, depict how the information was collected and processed, detail how participants were selected and approached, and depict how the information obtained was analyszed. The research involves a survey of strength country in which observation and some note pickings was applied to acquire information from different place users. A entire 3 little interviews and 24 users to make questionnaire were conducted indiscriminately in study country at different hours of the twenty-four hours among different age-group users. In this survey, . The research procedure consisted several stairss: Measure 1: Observation and little interview Measure 2: Preparation for study Measure 3: Survey through questionnaire Measure 4: Photograph analysis Observation of users: The initial observation was carried out on Thursday, 13 November 2014, followed by a 2nd visit on Friday, 14 November 2014 to acquire information related to country. The user study was conducted on Sunday in the forenoon and in the afternoon, 15 November 2014 The activity audit was carried out after study on Sunday forenoon and afternoon, 23 November and on Monday forenoon, 24 November, from 6:45am to 8:00 am and 5:00 autopsy to 6h30 autopsy to number the figure of people take parting in the activity by gender. The sec The combination observation and study through questionnaire: The In field work, the fixed country was choosen through the observation in the first clip. Field-based observations were ab initio developed during the forenoon and afternoon hours in Thursday and Friday. Some important jobs that were observed in the survey country were the followers: + which country, installations people use the most + Observed physical qualities and measures + Gender and age + Social interaction + Security of the country + Counting the figure of people utilizing the recreational installations + The Questionnaire: The figure of particiapnts surveyed for this research was 25 users. Strength country users were approached while making their regular exercising. If they were exerting, permission was asked if interview could be conducted while making exercising, which they agreed. Peoples that were by and large sitting for resting besides asked. When attack, the academic intent of making questionnaire was explained: it was mentioned that the questionnaire were for assignments. Interview: Indicator, Variable: Index Variable Method Frequency of usage – How many times/week – How long day-to-day ( h/day ) – When – Questionnaire – Handiness – By agencies of transit – How long? ( minuites? Questionnaire Socialbility – The figure of people participate in activities – Group or entirely User’s penchants Sercurity Interview Observation Study population – Age ( old ages old – Gender ( male/female – Occupation Analysis: The information from questionnaire was entered in Excel and analyzed utilizing that plan Study restriction: Due to restrictions on clip, there were some mistakes in my informations aggregation Behaviors related to the usage of urban installations at Le Van Tam park Literature reappraisal: Count, Mapping, Photographing, Keeping a journal, Questionnaire What is known?i?what is unknown Public infinite is defined as â€Å"all countries that are unfastened and accessible to all member of the populace in a society, in rule though non needfully in practice† ( Orum and Neal 2010: p.1 ) . The other definition of PPS, 2000 that public infinite screen out-of-doorss environments, which by and large give alleviation from urban feverish life. Harmonizing to Josph Rowntree foundation in â€Å" The societal value of public space† , include high streets, streets markets, shopping preincts, community Centres, Parkss, resort areas, and vicinity infinites in residential country. Physical activities in general, making exercising in private The definition of physical activities harmonizing to WHO organisation Public infinite drama an important function in community life. ( why is of import? ) ( the part of public infinites to community These topographic points are topographic points for people gather to run into, hear, listen exchange information. Many research show that the parts of the public infinite to physical activity, that means ( In this portion, I will compose every thing about the public infinite I know, the intent of publice topographic point, why every organic structure, or urban interior decorator have to concern aboutu the public infinite design ) Public infinite is a topographic point that people can accessibly easy with low or no cost, or make infinite for everybody to hold a lacing to sit, to listen, to see, to hear, to interchange information. In my experience, I ever choose a topographic point where I can see the big vision, may be the intent of alone state of affairs will be varied, but have to some standards to satisft the human’s need ) ( what is characteristi c of good public infinite ) There are many benefits from public topographic point generaly, particularly Parkss: Social benefit + Creating stable vicinities with strong community. Park is an ideal environment / topographic points for everybody meet with others every bit good as encourage societal sustainability.All groups of society, irrespective to age, income, position, faith or cultural background, can participant in any activities which are offered in the park.In the park, everybody have in common somehow such as to cut down the emphasis, relax, or merely make exercising, †¦ Each person has alone intents when they go into the park, but really they want to fulfill their demand, their feeling ( what is human demand? ) People gather information though many sense such as visual perception, hearing, †¦ to roll up information, experience. In the park, one of the signifier of simple public infinite, by detecting or listening contact, people can hold theirself experience. Most of of import information can roll up information about people and the society around us. . In human’s basic demand, In th e park, people have more chances to run into each others, leads to the increasing face-to-face interaction, whichs is of import skills/ demand. Two sorts of societal contact: Passive and active. With inactive contact, with the status of the Parks, where many events are happening, single usage human sense of hear, sense of listen, sense of ticker, they can detect and garner information about people and society around us. With active contact, merely merely little negotiations or conversations, or more merely recognizing each others, they can oper more chances to run into the same subjects to discourse. img alt="" src=""/ Social capital, which is defined as the relationships among people that make productive activity more easy, may be related to wellness and physical activity. ( How can I understand this sentence ) ( what connexion between increasing societal benefit signifier park and societal capital ) Public wellness benefits: [ 3 ] + Physical activity makes people healthier + Access to park additions frequence of exercising. Strong cogent evidence shows that when people have entree to Parkss, they exercise more. In a survey published by the CDC, entree to topographic points for physical activity more easy led to a 25.6 per centum addition in the per centum of people exerting on three or more yearss per hebdomad. + Exposure to nature and verdure makes people healthier.From the survey in American, they found that contact with the natural universe improves physical and psychological wellness. Environment benefit + Reducing Pollution + Making the atmosphere cool Parks may be play important function in cut downing environment pollution. Air pollution is one of serious jobs has caused many lasting or temprorary disease such as coughing, concerns, lung, pharynx, and respiratory and malignant neoplastic disease.Tree in the park somehow can cut down the degree of air pollution by absorbing soiled hatj. Furthermore, important figure of trees in the park will convent the ambiance which be cleaner, ice chest. What is diversion installations What I will compose in literature reappraisal is that I have to happen out the instance survey has the same status in Ho qi minh park? The life status is the same? the park is in the cardinal metropolis Ho Chi Minh nowadays has emerging developed Consequence: img alt="" src="" cong vien Gia A?a »Ã¢â‚¬ ¹nh, 23/9, Le VA?n Tam, Tao A?an la 4 cong vien A‘a? §u tien ap da »?ng loai hinh nay. img alt="" src=""/ img alt="" src=""/ img alt="" src=""/ img alt="" src=""/ Discussion Observation determination: The first observation, I merely concentrate on what go oning in the strength country, I don’t do number the figure of people do to hold general information about survey country. The first observation during weekends, I recognized that among kids the frequence of park usage was higher during the weekends as compared with weekday. What I see when I observe 1.5 yearss, during 1 hours during in the forenoon and In the afternoon. The first observation, each forenoon at 7:00 am, I started numbering during 10 minuites, the consequence is that the figure of mal is more than female. But around 8:00 am, the figure of female is more than male. Possibly the figure of female from other activities happening in the park. Unfortunately, I observed one twenty-four hours with inclined limate, with somewhat raining, but surprisingly, the figure of people taking portion in the strength country is 19, including 3 female. The same with the consequences form â€Å" utilizing experimental methods to measure public unfastened spcaes and physical activity in brazi ; † . The figure of physically active persons vary significantly harmonizing to the periods of the twenty-four hours and the yearss of the weekend. Furthermore, Mc Kenzie et Al [ 4 ] have documented that work forces were more physically active than adult females. Mc Kenzie et Al found that the intent of utilizing park and the physical acitivty degrees vary following different clip Many research show that the important part of park installations to physical activities [ 5 ] How to cite Behaviors Related to the Use of Urban Facilities at Le Van Tam Park, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Housekeeping Training At The Pullman Hyde Park Sydney Hotel - Samples

Question: Discuss about the Housekeeping Training At The Pullman Hyde Park Sydney Hotel. Answer: Hospital management is themanagement of different departments of a hotel and the employees so that the guest who is visiting the hotel and paying for their services feel welcomed and have fun in their stay(James, 2017). The employee in the hotel has to be friendly and welcoming so that the guest can revisit the hotel in the future. Staff employed at the hotel should perform their duties to their level best and offer high-quality standards (James, 2017). The reason behind this is, one is dealing with people or in the scenario of conference and conventions, serving anymanagement level. The people served are the same ordinary people who must have a strong feeling of customer service satisfaction and who will want to return to the same place in the future if the need arises. From the training experience at PULLMAN HYDE PARK SYDNEY, I realized that now everyone can work in hotel management. The people who work there pose specific skills. No matter the place that one works in hospitality, one must poses people skills to a level where they are confident in their role and are perceived by guests as friendly. One has to be diverse in their thinking and must have a versatile approach. One should be able to think very fast; this is because there are moments when the problematic situation arises and has to be dealt with promptly and swiftly. One has to empathize with the customer and resolve any query raised by the customer as fast as possible. In my experience as a trainee, I was placed in a different department so as learn new things from all the units before my program come to an end. First, each department has various challenges. During my time at business development department, the pressure of growing the organization was so intense due to stiff competition from competitors. The problem was to increase business market share segment; this can only be achieved through increasing the customer trust due to satisfactory services (Gourmet Marketing, 2017).Secondly, language barrier with people of different ethnicity. The hotel received the international guest; I was expected to know different languages (, 2017).I was only aware of my mother tongue and English. This posed a significant challenge, and more often I had to ask for help. Thirdly, handling customers who are stubborn was another challenge. Some customers were too difficult to manage, and there are moments when they were rude, but I had to be calm and help them out. Fourthly, during times when there are overbooking in the hotel, it was a challenge to deal with a large number of people. Handling different call from accommodation guest to deliver food to their rooms, there are moments when I was confused. There was the moment when I was required to work long hours than stipulated time. This posed a significant challenge to me due to inadequate means of transportation and security issues on getting at home. Lastly, some customers made prank calls to book rooms and venue for conference. Before they detected to be frauds, the hotel will have lost the chance to offer the apartment to willing consumers. I was challenged in differentiating the fraudsters from the right customers. The hotel management should consider having the following changes in regards to its housekeeping duties: Staff duty roster should be prepared and supervision of staff disciple and the way they conduct themselves. The hotel should train new employees on the responsibilities and quality of work expected from them by the company. I realized there is a need for employee motivation and counsel since they go through a different harsh situation and harsh treatments sometimes from customers. The hotel should maintain and establish standard operating procedures for cleaning and develop a new process to increase the efficiency of labor and products use. The housekeeping should redo the dcor of the hotel. They should create a more pleasant and classy ambiance since this is a significant concern for guest. The trainee should be trained on the privacy; any guest irrespective of the class would like privacy to be maintained during their stay at the hotel. The trainee should be trained to ensure th e privacy of the guest; they should be taught on the procedure of entering the room. References Anon, (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Nov. 2017]. Anon, (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Nov. 2017]. Gourmet Marketing. (2017). Top 6 Problems Hotel Managers Face | Gourmet Marketing. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Nov. 2017]. (2017). Hotel Human Resources Five Greatest Challenges - and what to do about them, by Joyce Gioia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Nov. 2017]. James, A. (2017). What is Hospitality Management and What Does it Involve. [online] HMM Available at: [Accessed 18 Nov. 2017]. Topics, Sample Papers Articles Online for Free. (2017). Role of housekeeping department in hospitality. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Nov. 2017].